The objective of this challenge is for you to list recommended brand owners or large retail chains with their own private label.
What Sports, Outdoor, and Workwear brand owners are true leaders in pro-actively driving sustainability and circular economy, and who are the laggers? Which of these brands can act as a kingpin and stimulate their competing brands in the same segment to do the same? While we are very much upstream in the value chain, we want to identify and eventually connect with downstream brand owners and specifically with those brands that are frontrunners on sustainability. We want to identify the top brands in the Sports, Outdoor, and Workwear segments with whom we need to partner to successfully pass on the value of our product portfolio. Besides the selection of leading brands, we also want to know which brands we don't want to connect with because they are either true laggers or guilty of 'green-washing'.
Summary and conclusions in Powerpoint template. Details in separate Excel file or word