The solved assignment

The Ultimate Sales Movie

Sales Movie Innovative
Movie making Script Writing
Delivery time 18 days
The Need

we would like to ask for your help in creating the best sales movie for one of our specific products. This movie has to last 3 minutes and has to be able to take our customers by hand in explaining why we offer the best solutions to deliver applications fast and drive digital transformation.

The Goal What is this assignment about?

Within our company, we are always searching for innovative and convincing ways of telling our story. We believe that if we can catch someone's attention at the right moment, this can enable great success. One approach we would like to explore during this challenge is the creation of a sales movie!

The Deliverable

Eventually, we would like to see a complete movie that is able to convince our (potential) customers to start using our software tool(s). Overall the movie has to be fun, informative, and inspiring. It has to tell a complete story from which a customer is able to fully understand the possibilities they have.

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