The solved assignment

The ideal logistic process

Increased efficiency Delivery process
Delivery time 19 days
The Need

Making the delivery, and the quality check that comes after, as efficient as possible.

The Goal What is this assignment about?

Currently, we feel like there is a lot of improvement possible within these processes. Many different delivery services enter our facility every day and it is sometimes unclear where which product needs to be delivered (especially when products of the same supplier for different reception locations are in the same shipment). Sometimes, the delivery service even has a couple of different stops within our facility before having delivered all products. When it is not entirely clear where which product should be delivered, inefficiency exists which results in a longer process, and we would like to know how to prevent this.

The Deliverable

Eventually, we want to receive a visual representation of how we can enhance our way of accepting the ordered products at the right buildings with the right quality checks. The packages need to be accepted on any day at any time and still arrive at the right place with the right checks. The process should start from the moment that a package arrives at our facility, and it should end when the packages are checked on the quality and have entered our administration systems. This is an extensive puzzle but we really want to know our possibilities.

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